產品簡介:旋轉涂布機 Ossila旋轉涂布機 進口旋轉涂布機英國Ossila廠家直接訂貨、原裝正品。交期準時、歡迎經銷商
旋轉涂布機 Ossila旋轉涂布機 進口旋轉涂布機
Ossila was founded in 2009 by organic electronics research scientists with the aim of
providing the components, equipment and materials to enable faster and smarter research and
discovery. Five years on, and we're proud to supply our products to over 600 different
institutions in over 57 countries across the world.
旋轉涂布機 Ossila旋轉涂布機 進口旋轉涂布機
Having spent many years both in industry and academia developing organic and thin film LEDs,
photovoltaics and FETs, we know how long it takes to develop a reliable and efficient device
fabrication and testing process. As such, we have developed packages of products and
services to enable researchers to jump-start their organic electronics development program.
Our research scientists have significant experience in the processing of materials into
LEDs, PVs and FETs, and amongst our team of physicists, chemists and engineers we have a
huge collection of knowledge on thin film electronics. The vision behind Ossila is to share
this experience with both academic and industrial researchers and to make their research
more efficient. By providing products and services that take the hard work out of the device
fabrication process, and powerful equipment to enable accurate, rapid testing, we can free
scientists to focus on what they do best - science.